Technical Support Services

Supportline Services

Simplify and streamline your software support by leveraging the skills of expert SW engineers, from the GBM Supportline team


The modern software stack takes advantage of open technologies to adopt best-of-breed OSes and applications from a wide range of vendors. This brings agility, innovation and cost-efficiency, but at the same time can make accessing software support and resolving problems more complex. When you use software from multiple vendors, you also have multiple support contracts and helplines to deal with. 

data center

Software Support Partner


GBM can help you simplify and streamline software support, whether these products are deployed on Prem, or in the Cloud. GBM Supportline provides a team of locally based, highly skilled support engineers who are available 24/7 to support a huge range of software – all from a single point of contact.

Whether you need to reduce costs by streamlining support contracts, save time spent on managing support needs, or achieve unified SLAs for reduced downtime and higher availability, GBM puts an expert local team at your disposal.

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    Simplify support for your whole stack, with a single solution for software from IBM, RedHat, Ubuntu, SUSE, CITRIX, MIMIX, VEEAM, Nutanix, VMware

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    Maintain 24/7 availability with round-the-clock support from a local team

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    Get a better software support experience from expert engineers working on your time zone and talking your language, with on-site support when required

  • Software Support Partner