Press Release

Primary Drivers in adopting multi-cloud platform

Hasan Odeh, Director Cloud Infrastructure, GBM

While the benefits of multi-cloud platforms are  compelling, they also come with their set of challenges for different business heads within the organisation and  IT leaders are tasked with managing the complexity  of multiple cloud environments. Executives from GBM,  Cloud Box Technologies, Nutanix respond.

When it comes to cloud, there are many different solutions available, offering various levels of performance, scalability, and efficiency. Crafting the right cloud strategy and making informed decisions about cloud infrastructure and workloads are critical for maintaining competitiveness.

The ideal cloud strategy should align closely with a business’s goals, necessitating an assessment of existing environments, selection of suitable infrastructure for digital transformation, identification of workloads ripe for cloud migration, and optimisation of  the cloud mix for maximum efficiency.  

Enterprises are propelled to embrace multi-cloud platforms for several factors including digital experience, cost optimisation, faster innovation, operational excellence and business resiliency.

With a multi-cloud approach, enterprises can comply with infrastructural, geographical, other regulations without risking non-compliance.

Balancing the need for agility and innovation with the necessity of maintaining control and governance over cloud resource is a delicate task. Finance leaders are more concerned with cost optimisation across multiple cloud platforms while dealing with variable pricing models, which presents a considerable challenge. 

Regional enterprises are being drawn to multi-cloud platforms for various benefits. One key advantage is its ability to mitigate vendor lock-in, offering the flexibility to distribute workloads across various cloud providers, reducing reliance on any single vendor. 

The multi-cloud approach maximizes return on investment as enterprises can optimise their cloud spending. They can optimise resource and workload allocation based on regulatory constraints and 
performance requirements. This ends up reducing operational expenses required to set up such as cloud architecture, ensuring the funds can be used towards key innovations.

Industries such as healthcare, government, and finance have specific rules and regulations in place on where the data is stored, and how it is processed, protected, and accessed. Following these regulations is critical to comply when conducting business with certain kinds of industries. 

With a multi-cloud approach, enterprises can comply with infrastructural, geographical, and other regulations without risking any non-compliance that could ultimately attract legal issues and penalties or both.

Hasan Odeh, Director Cloud Infrastructure, Gulf Business Machines

In today’s fast evolving digital landscape, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in processing vast amounts of data efficiently. With this, cloud services are emerging as a crucial solution, offering scalable, rapidly deployable digital platforms that support business continuity, while also enabling businesses to launch products faster and drive insights-led decisions from their data.

When it comes to cloud, there are many different solutions available, offering various levels of performance, scalability, and efficiency. Crafting the right cloud strategy and making informed decisions about cloud infrastructure and workloads are critical for maintaining competitiveness.

The ideal cloud strategy should align closely with a business’s goals, necessitating an assessment of existing environments, selection of suitable infrastructure for digital transformation, identification 
of workloads ripe for cloud migration, and optimisation of the cloud mix for maximum efficiency. With this, enterprises are propelled to embrace multi-cloud platforms for several key factors: Digital Experience, Cost Optimisation, Faster Innovation, Operational Excellence and Business Resiliency. 

While the benefits of multi-cloud platforms are compelling, they also come with their set of challenges for different leaders within the organisation. IT Leaders are tasked with managing the complexity of multiple cloud environments and ensuring interoperability between them, which is a significant challenge. Additionally, addressing security and compliance concerns across diverse platforms requires careful planning and execution. 

For business leaders, balancing the need for agility and innovation with the necessity of maintaining control and governance over cloud resource is a delicate task, however business leaders must navigate these complexities to drive strategic initiatives effectively. On the other hand, finance leaders are more concerned with cost optimisation across multiple cloud platforms while dealing with variable pricing models, which presents a considerable challenge. Cost accuracy allocation, budgeting and forecasting thus become essential to maintaining financial health. 

While the benefits of multi-cloud platforms are compelling, they also come with their set of challenges.

Taking this into consideration, regional enterprises are being drawn to the multi-cloud platform approach for its various benefits. One key advantage of multi-cloud, is its ability to mitigate vendor lock-in, offering the flexibility to distribute workloads across various cloud providers and reducing reliance on any single vendor. 

With this as well, the costs associated with multi-cloud can be further optimised as it is not reliant on a single vendor. Organisations can capitalise on competitive pricing, by selecting the most cost-effective cloud services for each workload, thus ensuring optimised resource utilisation. 

The adoption of multi-cloud platforms offers regional enterprises a strategic advantage in today’s dynamic business environment. By understanding the primary drivers, addressing challenges, and leveraging the benefits of hybrid multi-cloud architectures, enterprises can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and resilience.

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